Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Small Changes Challenge Part II

First of all, yesterday was Halloween so I thought I'd share a few pics from our holiday.  The first was taken outside our friend's costume party on Saturday night.  We went as Grandma, the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Clearly Lily was very frightened of the Big Bad Wolf ;)

Here she is looking so much the part with her little basket and hooded cape.  I made her costume and was really pleased with the results.

And now moving on to the main point of this posting, another 'Small Change Challenge' for the month of November.

As I mentioned in my first post Small Changes Challenge, I have decided to focus on achieving one small positive change each month.  They say to set yourself reasonable goals and I think one small change a month is surely doable, right?  They also say it takes 30 days to break a habit or create a new good habit, hence my decision to change one thing each month. 

The idea originally came from my decision in September to cut out all weekday drinking of alcoholic beverages.  I saw such positive results that I decided to keep my momentum going by determining to always remove items from my car in the month of October.  Well, October came to a close last night and I can happily say that my car has remained much cleaner (if a bit less than immaculate) since my adoption of this small change!

November's small change challenge will be ... drum roll please ... to read at least one Bible verse every single day.  I have both a Bible and a devotional book sitting beside my bed, so there is absolutely no reason I can't read one verse (or one devotional) before bed each night!  I had a Sunday school teacher growing up (Velma 'Mama' Hartung, God rest her soul) who always said, "Read your Bible every day, even if it's just one verse."  So this one's for you, Mama Hartung.

I'd love to hear what small change you are working on in your life right now!  Happy November, friends, let's make it count!!


  1. I'm with you--I'll do the same! We can encourage each other, okay? Little Red Riding Hood is the cutest one ever! You outdid yourself! Of course, no bias here--just because Lily is my Granddaughter... Chris made a great wolf, too. I love you all, Mom/Gram

  2. What an awsome costume you came up with for Lily! She is absolutely gorgeous! I also love your new change challenge. You are inspiring your sister to come up with one of my own. Hmmm...I think I will try to wake up before my kids during the week (6:00am) so I will be more prepared to help them start their day!
