Monday, October 17, 2011

Small Changes Challenge

After a three week (?) hiatus I'm finally back and ready to put some more thoughts into the blogosphere!  We were in England for the past two weeks visiting friends and family.  It was an absolutely wonderful trip and reminded me once again of my love for this small but great country from which my husband hails.  One of the best things about England are the publications.  I always find such inspiration in their magazines and newspapers!! 

One such inspiration was an article I read in the 'Red' womens' magazine called 'Tweak a little, change a lot' (Red Magazine, October 2011).  In this article, the author discusses the concept of Acting Against Type (ATT) or, how little changes can add up to big change. 

This reminded me of the recent change to my lifestyle of cutting out all weekday alcohol.  The change was so effective in the month that I committed to doing it (August), that I decided to incorporate the change into my lifestyle for good.  In two months I had lost several pounds and was beginning to see and feel the difference and was receiving loads of compliments,  the absolute best motivation I know of!!  All this with no other change at all than cutting out weekday alcohol!

So, as I say, the article struck a chord with me.  The concept of making minor changes can be incorporated into so many aspects of life, to effect positive changes in a variety of ways ... physically, socially, mentally, spiritually ... there's no end to what you could do with just a few minor tweaks!!

As such ... and building on my first small change of eliminating alcohol on weekdays ... I am going to plan to incorporate (and of course blog about!) one small change each month.  This month I am going to tackle a real pet peeve of my husband's ... my filthy car!!  My minor change for the month of October will be to commit to removing all items and trash from my car each time I get home.  It currently looks like a 'Cheerio bomb' went off in the backseat and there are about 25 miscelaneous items (ball pit from friend's child's bday party, returns to about five different stores, etc.) in the trunk and backseat that need to be sorted through! 

So by October's end not only will I feel even better physically from the previously incorprated change, I will also be sporting a newly clean and de-crusted automobile, which I suspect will only add to my general happiness and that of my husband :).  Wish me luck, friends!!



  1. Wow - I'm inspired! My changes this month are all medication based, but I like this idea and am going to try to keep up something myself as well - thanks, Lori! Keep posting your changes - love to hear!

  2. That's great, Lori. I did that when we first got our "new" car, but, unfortunately, I'm not so careful to clear all the clutter each time now. Maybe I'll try again and we can check up on each other now and then.

    One small change I am doing (though it doesn't seem to be paying off yet--no doubt because I'm not exercising like I want to) is to make my drink and food portions a little less than what I would really like. I pour my glass of milk not quite full, etc. And I definitely need to "tweak" my food portions once again. Alas.....
    Love you, Mom
