Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FlyLady's 31 Day Plan

Recently I discovered an amazing website,, whose goal is to help us create and then maintain clean and efficiently run households!  I have been struggling for months with creating (and sticking to) weekly routines, checklists, etc to help me manage my home, and this website offers a wealth of tips and templates for these activities. 

I've only spent an hour or so reading through the website's wealth of information, but have already become inspired to sign onto their 31 day challenge for 'baby fliers', as they call those of us just starting out in the arena of serious household management! 

Day 1 tells me to 'shine my sink' ... sounds easy enough, right?  So here I go, off to shine my sink and discover whether a squeeky clean kitchen sink actually is the beginning of household bliss.  I'll keep you posted. 

And check out FlyLady's "31 Beginner Babysteps" yourself to see if this is something you'd like to to do with me in month of November.  If you can push past the cheesy 1980's graphics, I think you will find a lot of good knowledge to glean from this site. 

Happy middle-of-the-week, friends :).

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