Thursday, August 4, 2011

My new obsession ... Pinterest

So recently a friend / neighbor turned me onto the website,  We were discussing ideas for a landscaping project we're about to take on in our backyard when she asked me if I had ever heard of Pinterest.  Apparently it's one of those 'members only' sites that has the illusion of exclusion though in reality anyone can join if invited :). 

Here's what my home screen looks like with my profile picture in the upper left-hand corner (yeah, that's me in my husband's sunglasses :).

The concept is fabulous.  Each member can create 'Boards', which are kind of like 'mood boards', and can also create 'pins' to post to said boards, or can find 'pins' that others have posted and 're-pin' them to their boards.  You start out with a set of standard boards including things like 'For the Home', 'Books to Read', and 'Products I Love' among others, and then you can modify the boards and/or add new ones.  You can choose to 'follow' other people who's taste inspires you so that you see each time they pin something new.  The other wonderful thing about the site is that each 'pin' you click on tells you its source so that you can find some amazing blogs and websites you would never otherwise know existed!! 

I have to admit it took me a while to figure it all out and really get hooked, but now I am completely addicted!  I even downloaded the free iPhone app so I can 'pin' on my phone anytime I have a few minutes (e.g. commercial breaks during TV watching, sitting in the car when my daughter falls asleep en route to the store, etc.).  It is such fabulously fun 'wasted time'.  But then again, Wasted time that one enjoys is not in fact wasted time!  Below are a few of my boards I wanted to share. 

This one I created to store inspiration for our backyard project.

And here's my 'For the Home' board.  I could spend all day pinning to this board!  I just LOVE home decorating pictures, don't you??

Here's one called 'Lily Annabelle' where I pin inspiration related to my daugther - i.e. things to do with her, make for her, buy for her, etc.

So if you have some free time to kill and want to add another addiction to your existing list of vices (?), just join Pinterest!!  I'm telling you, you will be hooked.  As we say in the world of Pinterest, happy pinning, my friends :).


  1. Now that I think I learned how to post, I wanted to say that I love the way you write--so fresh and expressive. I thought the post about enjoying every moment was great--very mature thinking! Keep up the good work. Love, Mom

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for pointing me to this site! Apparently you have to have a Facebook account (or Twitter) to join Pinterest. Maybe I'll hijack my husband's Facebook account just to be able to Pinterest.

    --Joanna O.
