Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mantelscape Before and After

Yesterday, after a morning conversation with my husband about 'cutting back on our spending' I decided that rather than pining for all new furniture and decor in my den, as I've been obsessing about for the past few weeks, I should make do with what I have. 

So first things, first, it was time to declutter the space.  Above is the result of my efforts.  Decluttered, but still a bit blah, right?  In my defense, since moving into this home almost a year ago, we have focused so much on major projects (new roof, tenting for termites, electrical issues out the wazoo) that I haven't really been able to focus much attention on the interior, as you can probably see from this photo ;). 

After decluttering I tried to envision what small (read cheap) additions might make the space more warm and inviting.  I decided it was in need of some greenery and also some better decor above the mantle.  Speaking of the mantle, the style of that corner fireplace has always bugged me!  I really dislike the brown slate surround and the fact that it's so oddly shaped and positioned in the corner of the room.  In any case, I decided to stop obsessing about it and try and make it look a bit nicer.

For any of you on Pinterest or anyone who looks at home decor magazines, you already know that round mirrors are everywhere right now!!  Case in point, the two pics below, which I snagged off of Pinterest.com

And don't those candlesticks look like the ones I DIY'd in my previous post, The miracle that is spraypaint?

In my den redecorating dreaming I had been eyeing up a set of round mirrors on HomeDecorators.com, but at $214 plus shipping, the set was a bit out of reach. 

 So then imagine my delight when, while at Home Depot yesterday, I stumbled upon a Martha Stewart set of five round mirrors for less than $16.00??  This in addition to a $10.00 fern plant really made a difference, don't you think??   

And here's another view, in case you didn't fully appreciate it in the above pic :).

So that's it for now.  I still have a long way to go to get the place looking like my dream home, but every little bit of effort helps to move it in the right direction :).  Have a wonderful day, friends!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Febrile Seizures - a Terrifying Thing for the Unknowing Parent

Today I want to record the events of a couple weeks ago when we realized, possibly for the first time, how absolutely precious and cherished our little Lily is to us. 

It was Super Bowl Sunday and Lily had been sick the entire previous week with a cold and a low-grade fever on and off, possibly we thought attributable to teething.  We were all getting ready to go to our friends home for a BBQ, which we were hoping would distract Lily from her poorly state.  It had been a fairly  normal Sunday.  We had taken a long and lovely family walk to Babloa Park, one of my favorite places.  Lily was unusually quiet and subdued on the walk, but I chalked it up to her not feeling well. 

In getting ready to leave for the BBQ Lily was getting really cranky and also felt warm, so I thought a lukewarm bath might help.  Chris stayed in the bathroom with Lily while I got ready.  Several times during the bath he mentioned, "Lily is just sitting here in the bath and not playing, this doesn't seem normal.", but again, I thought she just wasn't feeling well. 

When I went to get Lily out of the bath Chris remarked that she had been breathing heavily.  As I got her out of the tub she cried, which is not uncommon, as she generally doesn't want to get out of the bath!  I took her to her room to get her dressed, but when I went to lay her down to put on her diaper, she cried and clung to me so I just sat down on the floor with her. 

It was then that I too noticed very unusual heavy breathing.  Hearing it myself made all the difference and I immediately  told Chris, "I think we need to take her to the hospital.".  As I picked her up and began walking to the garage I noticed her body went limp and when I looked at her she didn't appear to be breathing and was unresponsive!  In a panic, I shouted to Chris, "Call 911, she's not breathing and she's not responding!". 

We both ran outside to make the call and wait for emergency services. At first I hovered beside Chris who was now on the phone with the 911 operator.  "What do I do? What do I do?" I begged as he answered the questions directed to him.  I felt so helpless and then I remembered our neighbor, Liz, was an OBGYN. 

Still cradling Lily's limp unresponsive body in my arms I ran across the street and up the stairs to Liz's front door.  My mind was racing knowing that if Lily wasn't breathing we only had a matter of minutes!  After knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell a few times I began hitting Lily on the back thinking maybe she was choking on something. 

I then laid her down on the porch and began pumping her chest a bit, wondering if maybe she'd swallowed water and needed to cough it up.  Laying her down and looking at her I noticed that her whole body appeared to be slightly blue.  Her eyes were open and to me, she looked like she was suffocating.  I called out, "God, please help me!". 

With no response at Liz's front door, I picked her up and ran back down the stairs to Chris who by now was off the phone and coming to meet me.  Just before I handed her to him I noticed that her body began to jerk slightly.  Handing her off I proceeded to another neighbor's house hoping that someone, anyone, might know what to do when we did not!  By the time this neighbor came to his door Chris called out that Lily was breathing again. 

The whole affair lasted between 2 - 3 minutes, but felt like an eternity.  When your child is not breathing, every second seems to drag as you race against time to ensure that these brief moments are not their last.

When EMS arrived they assured us that what Lily had experienced was a febrile seizure, a result of her fever spiking too quickly for her body to handle, fairly common and unlikely to cause permanent damage.  She began coming around slowly, still groggy from the shock her body had experienced.  In the ambulance ride to the hospital she began to respond and say a few words, which was wonderfully reassuring.  After a couple hours in the hospital we were released with instructions for a follow-up appointment with the pediatrician.   

Since then my husband and I have decided to become more prepared for emergency situations.  We signed up for an infant CPR class where we learned how to respond to choking or unresponsive babies and children.  It was also a good way to brush up on our general / adult CPR skills.  Even though these techniques are not specifically for febrile seizures, it still helps to feel somewhat prepared for emergency situations in general. 

All in all, while it was an absolutely terrifying experience, it really did teach us that life is precious.  It can be gone in an instant, and we must try hard to appreciate each and every moment that God gives us on this earth.  Here's hoping you all have a gratitude-filled week, friends!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wow, this is my first posting in the month of February, not for lack of my wanting to post, but due to technical issues and other distractions, namely a sick household!

Anywho, happy Valentine's Day everyone!!  To commemorate the day I decided to try my hand at chocolate-covered-strawberries, one of my most favorite things ever.  A friend of mine recently told me she makes these little delicacies simply by melting chocolate chips in the microwave and then dipping the strawberries.  It seemed far to simple to me, being the type of person that overcomplicates most things, but I decided to try it anyway and I have to say, I was impressed with the results!!

To make them yourself, simply microwave chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate) in the microwave for 10 second intervals, stirring between intervals until the chips are smooth and creamy.  Beware not to overheat, as chocolate burns very easily!  Once melted, dip and swirl the strawberries in the chocolate and place on a plate covered with wax paper.  Place in the fridge to set (30 min or so).  I made these for my husband to take into his team at work today.

Speaking of the ol' husband, I have to brag on him for just one second here.  Yesterday was uncharacteristically rainy and wet for San Diego, so I didn't think anything of it when it took him over an hour to commute home from work.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the door to find him with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that he had hand-selected for me along with a sweet card.  What a gem :).

And now for a few unabashedly braggy photos of my little darling girl on our Valentine's Day walk this morning.  We have a walk every morning since our dog, condo-raised, refuses to 'do his business' anywhere other than beside a sidewalk and on leash!  For the most part, I love this part of our day even though it can get a bit hectic with a toddler pulling in one direction and a stubborn dog pulling in the other.  It does present a wonderful opportunity for snapping photos though :).

I love her expression in this photo.

And her little smiley face in this one, peeking out from under her penguin hood!

And here she is, the movie star, donning her favorite accessory of the moment, her blue polka-dot sunglasses :).

I love this girl who recently gave us a big scare.  Will post about that another day, but suffice it to say that, praise God, she is well now.  Here's hoping that all of you, my friends, have a wonderful Valentine's Day and remember to appreicate the loved ones in your life, whomever they may be.  Cheers!!