Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Romantic Mini Break in Laguna Beach

Wow, it's been almost two weeks since I posted ... where has the time gone?  Well I have to say it has been a bit hectic what with plumbing disasters, backyard project decision-making, guests impending arrival, etc, but we did manage to take a little mini vacation up the coast to Laguna Beach this past weekend so I thought I'd share a few pictures from our time there.

First I have to thank our good friend, Andrea, who selflessly offered to watch our toddler overnight so we could go.  She even lobbied to keep Lily for two nights, but not having watched Lily overnight before, I thought I'd let her dip her toe first :). 

So after a somewhat stressful time of getting ready and out the door on Saturday morning (one disaster after another!), we dropped Lily off and were on our way.

It's an easy drive up the coast to Laguna Beach, part of which is along the picturesque Pacific Coast Highway (or the '1'), which takes you through adorable little beach communities.  We arrived at Casa Laguna ( around 2 p.m. and to our delight, we were able to check in early. 

Our room was upgraded to an 'ocean view' room so we had a nice view of the ocean (about 1 block away) from our window.  Below is a picture of Casa Laguna's adorable courtyard.  Our room was at the end (not pictured) of the upper floor balcony shown. 

It was a bit rainy so we checked out a DVD from the B&B's library (Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason) and snuggled up in the cozy bed in our room for some much-needed R&R.  After watching the movie and sampling all the room had to offer (welcome basket, jacuzzi tub, fireplace) we were off to the lobby for their complimentary wine and cheese offering.

We were very impressed by their gourmet hors d'ouvres and wines, so much so that we stayed and enjoyed/imbibed right up till the end :).  After that we hit the town (about 1.5 miles away) for dinner and more drinks before turning in at the ripe old hour of, ahem, about 9 p.m.  Ha, vacations have changed for us since becoming parents.  Our idea of a fabulous vacation now consists of ample sleep ... and great food doesn't hurt either!

Speaking of food, I cannot say enough about how fabulous the complimentary breakfast was at Casa Laguna!  I arrived at breakfast before Chris because I wake up starving and so decided to at least get some coffee while he was still primping (yeah, he's gonna' love that comment!).  When I arrived and had served myeslf some nice drip coffee and fresh-squeezed orange juice (divine!) the waitress brought me a plate of beautifully presented fruit and mini muffins while I waited - I was in heaven!!

We had our choice of gourmet breakfast items.  Chris went for their version of eggs benedict and I got a veggie omelette ... with a side of bacon of course :).  Their bacon was a-m-a-z-i-n-g, apple smoked and apparently baked (not broiled) in the oven.  I am going to have to try this method, as it was so crunchy and not greasy at all!!

After breakfast we sat in front of the fire in the cozy little lobby and read the newspaper and magazines for a bit.  Again, this is what vacation is all about for me these days ... doing little things like sitting, uninterupted and doing pretty much as little as possible :).

After check-out we did a little shopping and took a stroll along the beach.  Here's Chris with our other child, Sushi, who came along on our romantic getaway (yep, the B&B was pet-friendly - nice!).

And here's a picture of me on the beach.  Not sure why, but I like this photo.  It has a kind of vintage appeal.

And here we decided to get a bit artsy and write our names in the sand.  It doesn't look quite as fabulous as the ones I've seen on Pinterest, but hey, at least we tried, ha!

So that's it for today, friends. I must now sign off and take Lily (who's now up from her nap and happily playing nearby while Elmo plays on the TV) somewhere fun as a reward for being so good and letting mommy blog :).  Zoo?  Tidepools?  Park? ... so many options!!  Have a wonderful day, friends!!

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