Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Inspiration: Pretty Pictures and Wise Words

Today we say farewell to 2011 so I'd like to share a few tid bits of inspiration for the new year from (where else?) Pinterest. 

So, so true!  Can I get an 'Amen' sista'?!

A wise woman once said, if you can accomplish one thing in a day [with a baby/toddler], then you have been successful!  In 2012 I'm going to revise my 'to-do' list routine and opt for one priority item each day.  Then, whatever I can accomplish above and beyond that one item is just icing on the cake.  I think this will make my life much more enjoyable :).

Alright this is just absolutely beautiful!!  Beautiful vibrant colors to inspire all of us to forgo the safe beiges of the world and opt for color, color, color!!

I share this to help us along with our 2012 diet-related resolutions, though I absolutely am not dillusioned enough to think I'll ever come close to being as skinny as Kate Moss :) 

A beatiful vintage shot of Capri.  Inspiration to travel abroad in 2012!

This is such a brilliant quote!!  We should all heed these words every single day.

And finally, a shot of whimsy.  Not sure why this photo appeals to me so much, but it does :).  Perhaps this is inspiration to go for 'it' in 2012, whatever 'it' may be, even if it doesn't seem logical! 

2011, you've been a hectic year, but a good one all the same.  I look forward to seeing what your younger sibling, 2012, will bring!!  Happy New Year, friends!!

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