Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Some Time in Texas

Well Lily and I just returned from a nice little trip to Texas where we managed to surprise my mom at her surprise 70th birthday party and celebrate my nephew's graduation from High School!! 

I think the highlight of the suprise party for my mom was the presence of her two sisters who flew in from Kansas the night before.  Here they are, Aunt Ardy, my mom, and Aunt Joy celebrating the beautiful bond of sisterhood.

During our trip, Lily got to spend a lot of time cuddling up with Granpa (below) who was recovering from a recent medical procedure.  She is totally Grandpa's girl. 

And here I am with the graduate, Alexei, at his celebratory pool party.  He'll head to Southwestern University in the Fall and I am so proud of and excited for him. 

I got back to San Diego just in time to celebrate Memorial Day with my family.  We had a lovely walk together in the morning.

Followed by some fabulous beach time.  This was our first beach outing of the summer (at La Jolla Shores) and it didn't disappoint. 

It is so fun to watch Lily as she begins to appreciate the beach.  She played in the sand, built sandcastles and even enjoyed having her feet buried :).

For my closing note I wanted to share a poem that my dad wrote for my mom some time ago for Valentine's Day I believe.  I came across it while I was home and thought it was worth sharing :).

One Red Rose
by Tommy Jenkins

One red rose represents the signularity of my love for you.

(The rose will last only a week or two but my love for you will last one lifetime and beyond.)

One red rose represents the oneness of our lives together and the singleness of my devotion to you.

One red rose represents one heart that loves you deeply.

One red rose means I love you  more than words can say.

One red rose is all my pocket book could get you!

I love you,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day & House in Chaos

Wow, it appears I'm now on a 'once a month' posting plan.  What's next, once a quarter?  In any case, I don't have anything in particular to blog about today, so I thought I'd put out an update on what's been going on in my life ...


Had a lovely Mother's Day this past Sunday being 'celebrated' :).  Chris got up with Lily, allowing me some blissful extra moments in bed.  When I got up, I found a table set for breakfast, but no sign of the hubbs and little beanette.  Alas, there was nothing to do, but run a nice hot bath and relax in the tub with Sunset magazine :).  They returned with breakfast and coffee from Little Italy - a perfect way to start the day!

Later we met up with friends at one of our favorite places, Jimmy's Famous.

Lily gives mommy a Mother's Day kiss.

Aunti Ana holds Lily while she 'blows kisses'.

Sitting on Auntie Andrea's lap with bestie, Bianca.

And here's my mom, the most beautiful and lovely person on the planet!! 


According to Wikipedia, Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life. It can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to help relieve persisting feelings of depression or general sadness.

Yeah, that generally sums up my condition as of late.  I am doing everything imagineable to escape from the chaos that is my house right now.  Remember those previous bathroom rennovation pics?  Well, now that the bathroom is 99% complete (see picture below), I couldn't resist forging ahead like a bulldozer!!

Didn't it turn out perty??  I love the white subway tiles, new window, custom vanity with vessel sink, etc. Like I said, we're only 99% so I still plan to put up the 'finished finished' pics in a subsequent post :).

In any case, the rennovation bug bit me and I decided to dive right in and pile on some additional projects ... just in time for our backyard project, that's been in the works for ages, to finally get going.  So yeah, I've got a lot on my plate right now managing multiple house projects AND a crazy toddler!!!

Here's our backyard project well under way.  Previous termite-eaten rotten deck has been ripped away and new deck is well under way - yay!!

Deep built-in bookshelves to store all (some?) of our books!!  I designed these and our super duper handyman built them for us.  I plan to do a 'gallery wall' above.

And here's bathroom number two, our master bathroom.  Yeah, it looks pretty bad because the previous shower was apparently leaking for years.  Whoo hoo we have to reframe that entire side (do I hear a cha-ching, cha-ching from our contractor? yes, I do).  It will likely be in this state for a while, as I now have the task of selecting and ordering all the components and I don't know when I'll ge to it!

Oh yeah, and we ordered new windows ... that didn't quite fit ... so they've been re-ordered.  That was an ordeal, but I have to give credit to Home Depot who were very good about righting the situation.  And I didn't even have to fight them for it!

In any case, it's all led to my current state of escapism ... as in, get me out of this house and all this chaos immediately please, which today lead to these new sandals ... and a few other things!!  Some retail therapy never hurt anyone, eh??  And yeah, yeah, I know I need a pedicure, but that is a very low priority at this stage :).

So on that note, and as can hear my daughter is up, I will sign off for now.  Happy Wednesday to all, we are half-way to our weekend, hooray!!